FinalForms Parent Information
By Alissa Anderson | Mar 24, 2025 9:03 PM

Brownsburg Athletics has partnered with FinalForms to collect physicals and online paperwork for the 2025-26 school year. FinalForms allows you to complete and sign athletic participation forms for your student-athlete digitally. You may review your data at any time, and you will be required to sign your forms once per year, prior to your first practice. You must also upload the doctor's signature page of your Physical Form directly to your FinalForms account. Physical must be on the IHSAA physical form. In order to be valid for the next school year, physical examination must be completed on or after April 1st. Parents – The “Parent Playbook” (linked below) will help you get started. Please visit and follow the prompts to create your account and sign your forms. Questions? – Scroll to the bottom and click the blue “Use Support” button or reach out to the athletic dept.
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